Ready to scale?
12 week accelerator program for digital healthtech startups providing solutions for the health challanges of tomorrow
Calling digital healthtech startup founders in the Nordics and Baltics! Are you and your team ready to scale?
Applications are now open for the DigitalWell Accelerator Program cohort #7 Autumn 2024 and #8 Spring 2025 editions.

The Accelerator
How it works
DigitalWell Accelerator is a intense 12-week program including alumni-support for startups that offer sustainable digital solutions to the health challenges of tomorrow that want to scale. We support and guide our founders as they develop their company and team, preparing for investment and setting them up for scaling together with networks from both business and public sector side, with ecosystem partners from 8 countries, mentors and investors .
We are especially looking for early-stage HealthTech startups within future-oriented areas such as:
Digital Health
Solutions for the Public Sector
Female Health
Preventive Care
Welfare Solutions
Digital Therapeutics (DTx) etc
That are building solutions using technologies that create new market opportunities such as:
SaaS & Applications
Sensors, Wearabels and IoT
Health Data and Information Services etc
These are just some examples of what we are looking for.
Send in your application today and we will take a look!
What the Accelerator Program Offers
12 weeks acceleration program with Alumni support build for specifically for health tech startups and founders with a focus on investment, market and scaling
Develop your startup with our team of advisors, mentors and health & tech experts
Collaborarate with startup ecosystems in 8 countries
Virtual program, with free physical co-locations in Sweden
Raise your Investment Readiness and prepare your startup for Investment
Build your company and team for scaling
Get access to international mentor & investor network
Get access to public sector partners & support services
And more!
Our accelerator program connects founders with partners, mentors, health and tech experts, and investors who can provide the support and resources you need to succeed.
With uniqe experiences from both the private business and the public sector the DigitalWell Accelerator team can open new doors, unlock opportunities and solve some of the hurdels that startup founders meet in the healthtech sector.

We focus on
Fast-track company building
Hands-on strategies and support services
Building networks & accessing ecosystems in the Nordics and the Baltics
Raise your companys investment readiness
Preparing your company for scaling
Pitch training & pitching for investors
Accelerated learning for you as a founder and your team
“We see the field of digital health and solutions for the public sector from a very broad perspective. Therefore we are willing to look into all type of solutions providing value for our future health care. That means for us as individuals, for businesses and for the public sector as long as it has some kind of digital or technical component in it that can scale and provide massive value.”
Stefan Skoglund, Accelerator Manager

What is digital health?
Health economy is one of the world’s fastest growing industries and covers a wide range of services, applications and technologies focused on improving human health.
Digital health as we see it includes all digitalt and hardware technologies related to health. Examples ca be slutions within AI & health data analytics, mental health, workplace wellness, sensors & wearables, personalised prevention, mobile health, telehealth, VR/AR orother health information technology solutions.
At the DigitalWell Ventures Accelerator Program we are looking for any startups that enhance the efficiency of healthcare, make the sector more personalized and precise for a better and healthier future for us all.
Digital Health Tech is not the easiest sector to succeed in. But with the right preparation the potential for both economic and sociatal value is enormous.
Our Ultimate Goal: Boosting the success rate of startups within the digital health tech sector

In close collaboration with DigitalWell Arena
DigitalWell Arena is a national Swedish initiative for digital health innovation so that more people can live a healthy life. Together with partners DigitalWell Arena solve complex societal challenges linked to health. No actor can solve these challenges on their own. DigitalWell Accelerator is a joint partnership between DigitalWell Ventures and DigitalWell Arena.
Hear it from some of our
Accelerator Alumni Companies
The DigitalWell Accelerator helped us a lot with identifying key strengths and weaknesses. With relevant resources and clear weekly goals, our company has definitely matured a lot since we joined the accelerator and made some really great connections in the process.
- Matarr Sarr, Mood Social
“Through DigitalWell Ventures vi have been given unique opportunities to pitch for investors and to grow our network internationally.
We simultaneously attended this programme and a Norwegian incubator, which has given us the best of two worlds.”
- Tom Austad, Founder & CEO, Oculaudio AS
“The DigitalWell Accelerator has been a great journey with many different learning experiences. My business would not be where it is today without their support.
One example is the Investment Readiness Process in the programme, which gave us a better picture of how to meet and talk to investors.
Thanks to the large group of mentors from all over the world with their different knowledge, we had easy access to expert help in any areas that we needed”
- Marcus Eng, Founder Physact / Anatomia Tech AB
“We thought we were ready for investment before entering the accelerator, but we really were not. Now we are!
But the thing that really stand out is the fantastic network we have gotten access to, thanks to the DigitalWell Ventures team”
- Elisabet Kolbrun Hansen, CanEat
“The weekly meetings with our start-up advisors have been very educational. They booked several meetings for us with Swedish municipalities and regional government actors.
This opened up new markets and possibilities for us and would have been difficult to arrange on our own.”- Eirik Nielsen, Co-founder and CEO, Entirebody AS
“During the programme, we were able to get our B2C app Closer to You translated into Swedish and launched on the Swedish market. We gained more exposure in Sweden and almost doubled the amount of subscribers for our customer app.
By performing different customer discovery processes with companies in the Scandinavian market, they also helped us to pivot our complete technology and move to a B2B market”.
– Anita Ramka, Product Manager, asya.ai
“My journey at DigitalWell Ventures gave me the confidence, knowledge and experience I needed to talk with investors and learn more about investment processes. I strongly believe that this program was an investment of our time that will help us in our upcoming round”.
- Felicia Provender, HealthGoing
“The accelerator programme has been invaluable for us!
Thanks to their Investor Readiness Process I now have a better understanding of what it takes to attract investors. In addition to attracting our first investor, Digital Well Ventures has helped us recruit a co-founder.”– Mikael Eckard, CEO, Exagard AB
“The DigitalWell team are masters at holding enriching events bringing together brilliant minds from across the Nordics and the global community.
Flow has benefitted from accessing the very best mentors and from taking part in the Investor Readiness Process. Invaluable learnings and network!”- Tristan Elizabeth Gribbin, Flow, Iceland

Apply now to join the next cohort of DigitalWell Accelerator
Questions? Feel free to reach out!
Stefan Skoglund
Accelerator Manager
& Startup Advisor
+46 (0)706-07 08 67
Strategic Partners DigitalWell Accelerator
If you are interested in becoming a program or ecosystem partner, please feel free to contact us.